



该委员会增加了一类新的风 - 极性发电机,并为DSM提出了费用。此外,它还为发电机和检察官都提出了货币激励措施,以保持在49.95-50.05 Hz的安全范围之间的网格频率。



Last December, CERC hadreverted由于法规的变化而导致频率连接的DSM作为保护网格稳定性的临时度量。网格频率偏差危险远离49.90 -50.05 Hz的可接受范围。它在12月20日从50.5 Hz和49.41 Hz振荡。


The DSM Regulations 2022 came into force on December 5, 2022, after which wide frequency fluctuations in the grid had occurred. The Commission stipulated certain measures to contain frequency within the operating band.

As directed by the Commission, Grid-India provided weekly operational feedback on the implementation of DSM Regulations, highlighting the high and low-frequency events.

网格-India noted some improvement in the frequency profile excursions above 50.05 Hz but said the overall frequency profile continued to be a concern.

While the frequency remained within the operative band for ~75-80% of the time before December 5, 2022, it deteriorated to the level of ~54% during December 5-26 before improving to ~60% post after December 26.


该委员会表示,一个时间段的偏差的正常费率应等于所有电力交换的日前市场细分市场的加权平均面积清算价格(ACP)的较高的平均面积清算价格(ACP)和较高的加权面积。该时间段的实时市场细分市场的上限为12(〜$ 0.145)/kWh。

对于普通卖方(除了基于市政固体废物的河流发电站或发电站以外,偏差费用)保持相同。但是,委员会添加了两个新类别,即基于风资源的发电站,而风 - 极性卖家是基于太阳能或风能资源混合的发电站。





当频率低于49.95 Hz时

对于小于49.95 Hz的频率,总卖方(基于市政固体废物的ROR发电站或生成站以外)将通过在频率的120%的120%的情况下偿还偏差当频率小于49.90 Hz时,为49.90 Hz和49.95 Hz,以参考费率的150%为150%。

Further, the general seller (other than an RoR generating station or a generating station based on municipal solid waste) will pay for deviation by way of under-injection at 150% of the reference charge rate or at 120% of the regular rate of charge for deviation, whichever is higher. When the frequency is between 49.90 Hz and 49.95 Hz, the general seller will have to pay 200% of the reference charge rate or 150% of the normal deviation charge, whichever is higher, when the frequency is less than 49.90 Hz.

The buyer will be paid back for deviation by way of under-drawal at 120% of the normal rate of charge for deviation when the frequency is between 49.90 Hz and 49.95 Hz and at 150% of the normal deviation charge when the frequency is less than or equal to 49.90 Hz.

当频率介于49.90 Hz至49.95 Hz之间,而当频率较小时,买方将通过过度抽签以偏差的150%的偏差费用支付偏差的150%。比或等于49.90 Hz。

当频率超过50.03 Hz时

当频率介于50.03 Hz至50.05 Hz之间时,总卖方(基于市政固体废物的ROR发电站或基于市政固体废物的发电站除外)将用于偏离偏差。。当频率超过50.05 Hz时,无需收取费用。

当频率在50.03 Hz至50.05 Hz之间,在参考费用的75%和AT时,普通卖方(基于市政固体废物的ROR发电站或基于市政固体废物的发电站除外)将用于偏差。当频率为50.05 Hz或更高时,参考充电率的50%。

当频率介于50.03 Hz至50.05 Hz之间时,买方将通过不足偏差率的50%来偿还偏差。当频率为50.05 Hz或更高时,不会收取任何费用。

当频率介于50.03 Hz至50.05 Hz之间时,买方将通过过度抽签的方式支付偏差的偏差。如果频率超过50.05 Hz,则买家将不必支付任何费用。

